Parallel Optimistic Delaunay Mesher: Enhancements

PODM example

Project information

  • Parallel Optimistic Delaunay Mesher (PODM) is a parallel software capable of converting a 3D image to a Mesh with guaranteed quality and fidelity. Since its original publication, a couple of things have been added to enhance it even more.
    • (1) Create an extra rule that will serve as a sizing function that controls the size of the mesh. You can provide a sizing function to PODM as a shared library that is dynamically loaded.
    • (2) Create a filter that extracts specific labels of the input image to be meshed.
    • (3) Parallelize the computation of the Surface and Box of the input image. Speed-up: ~95%.
    • (4) Parallelize the assembling of the mesh once the meshing procedure is completed. Speed-up: ~60%.
    • (5) Place the origin of the image appropriately if the delta is not a multiple of spacing.
    • (6) Create points and cells arrays with adaptive size use for adaptive refinement.
  • Examples Meshes: Bioinformatics, Medical Imaging, Nuclear Femtography.
Special thanks to BootstrapMade